New maps incoming in Assassin’s Creed: Revelations DLC
Can’t get enough stabby stabby kill kill in Assassin’s Creed: Revelations? Tired of pulling the same moves in the same maps? Lucky for you Ubisoft has heard your pleas for new content and has announced the “Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack” – the latest DLC for Assassins Creed: Revelations. The map pack includes six new maps which will provide players with the ability to pull off some unique moves given the new terrains and hidey spots of the included locations. The DLC will be available on both the PSN and Xbox Live January 24th.
As for the locations covered in the map pack: players will be able to visit Jerusalem, the imperial district of Constantinople and the mercantile district of Dyers. The renaissance map of Italy, a fan requested location, will also be included, with players able to revisit Florence, San Donato, and the absolutely magical night time Siena with its glorious carnival lights.
The DLC pack will set you back 800MSP or $9.99.