Uncharted 3 multiplayer goes free-to-play
For better or worse, the free-to-play model has become increasingly popular for developers trying to get their product into as many homes as possible. The latest studio to give it a try is Naughty Dog, as they’ve unveiled a new free system for Uncharted 3 multiplayer. Read on for all the details.
Detailed in a blog post on the Naughty Dog website, the conversion to a free-to-play model took effect earlier today. Officially known as the Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Core Multiplayer Experience (or as I like to call it, UC3DDCME), it can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store free of charge. You don’t need to own the Uncharted 3 disk, or any other piece of Uncharted software to play the experience. The download will give you access to the Uncharted 3 competitive multiplayer modes, and will allow you to advance up to level 15. But as any Uncharted player will tell you, that is barely scratching the surface of what the full game has to offer.
So it comes as no surprise that the free-to-play download comes with an in-game store. The store will allow players to purchase additional modes, including co-op arena and co-op adventure, the various DLC map packs, and even the single player campaign. Players looking to increase their level cap can purchase an extension to level 25, or can even pay to have it eliminated entirely. New characters, weapons, and items can also be purchased from the in-game store.
Naughty Dog wrote an exhaustive FAQ which goes into even more detail on how their new free-to-play system works. So if you have any questions, you should check it out. They even put together a nifty little trailer. Check it out below.
The Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Core Multiplayer Experience is available for download in the PlayStation Store as you read this. So if you’ve never tried Uncharted, this might be a perfect opportunity. Or you could, I don’t know… just buy the games. Trust me, they’re worth it.