Save Game’s 12 Days of Christmas Gamer Gifts Guide – Day 3


Ohohohoho it’s Day 3 of Save Game’s 12 Days of Christmas Gamer Gifts Guide and this crazy sleigh ride doesn’t show any signs of stopping. Yesterday had a slight femme gamer slant, but I promise I have more for you male gamers out there (and more for us female gamers too). Before that, however, here’s some gender-neutral gamer gifting inspired by the Fallout Series.

On the third Day of Christmas – Fallout Themed Drinks


Drinks. Drinks never change….unless they’re based on drinks within the Fallout universe, and then they become RAD cool (see what I did there?! No? Tough crowd).

These fantastic Fallout inspired drinks will set you back US $20.02 each, and come in four different types – Sunset Sarsaparilla, Nuka Cola Quartz, Nuka Cola Victory and my favourite, Nuka Cola Quantum. If you’ve got your eye on a particular bottle, make sure you stipulate which bottle you want if you order, unless you want to play Wasteland Roulette and be surprised at which bottle is randomly selected from the group for you. And don’t forget – with every purchase you get a free cap, which can of course be used as currency in the event of a nuclear holocaust. To purchase, click here.

And if you didn’t think these were awesome enough in their own right – there’s also a glowing LED version of the bottles – effectively turning them into fantastic fallout-themed lamps. Two of the fallout lamps will set you back US $46.22 and can be purchased here.

So what are you waiting for? All the cool ghouls are getting these this holiday season!

I’ll be back tomorrow for Day 4 of our feature. Click here if you missed Day 2, and here for Day 1.

About the Author: Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Tash is a self-diagnosed gaming fanatic with a doctorate in Psychology. She's also a self-confessed Mass Effect fangirl and will likely talk your ears off if you ever get her started on the subject. A lover of all things RPG and adventure, she has more gamer related action figures and memorabilia than any 30 something year old professional has a right to own, and has spent more time than she’d like to admit to daydreaming about exactly what she would do should the Zombie Apocalypse actually happen.

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