That quivering sensation in your gut, that uneasy mixture of anticipation and dread… it can only mean one thing. A new episode of The Walking Dead is on the way. The serialized game from Telltale has been a critical and commercial success, but it definitely isn’t for everyone. Those brave enough to play it should read on for Episode 3’s release date, and a brand new trailer.
Read more »Previously on Save Game’s review of The Walking Dead: It centers on Lee, a man with a complicated past… -pause- …you will be faced with choosing the option that sucks less… -pause- The Walking Dead is my game of the year. -fade out-
Read more »The absurd concept of Telltale’s The Wolf Among Us makes it a hard sell. After all, the desire to follow a noire thriller starring The Big Bad Wolf as he tracks down a serial killer in a town full of fairy tale characters requires a cross section of a lot of niche interests. Despite the odd mix of materials, Telltale manages to stitch up a quality tale in the first episode, and for the most part, the company does it again in episode 2, although the seams are starting to look a little frayed.
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