More Duke Nukem from Gearbox


The latest Duke Nukem game might not have been everyone’s cup of tea (or bottle of bourbon) but that hasn’t prevented Gearbox from hinting they will be rebooting the series in the form of “the long-discussed Duke begins.” This game was apparently in the works before Gearbox acquired Forever.

Don’t get too excited though, Duke fans. Gearbox has also mentioned they won’t be looking at the reboot until they’ve finished work on another of their titles: Aliens: Colonial Marines. Colonial Marines isn’t set for release until 2012, and with Gearbox also working on the recently announced Borderlands 2, it could be some time before Duke returns. Or is that re-returns?

Source: 1-UP

About the Author: Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Tash is a self-diagnosed gaming fanatic with a doctorate in Psychology. She's also a self-confessed Mass Effect fangirl and will likely talk your ears off if you ever get her started on the subject. A lover of all things RPG and adventure, she has more gamer related action figures and memorabilia than any 30 something year old professional has a right to own, and has spent more time than she’d like to admit to daydreaming about exactly what she would do should the Zombie Apocalypse actually happen.

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