In case you didn’t have enough reasons already to preorder Bioshock Infinite – here’s one more. All those who pre-order Bioshock Infinite will receive Industrial Revolution – a flash based puzzle game which will allow you to earn in-game items for Bioshock Infinite.
Read more »It could be argued that one of the best features of the Hitman games are their use of disguises, providing players with a bevvy of memorable disguises to facilitate (or just look damn good whilst committing) all that killing goodness. Celebrating the awesomeness of all things disguises, IO Interative have released the fifth gameplay trailer in their introducing series, and this one’s all about disguises.
Read more »With all the recent negative announcements concerning publisher shutdowns here in Australia, it’s nice to finally hear some good news surrounding relationships and partnerships strengthening rather than breaking down. Mindscape Asia Pacific and Tecmo Koei Europe have announced a distribution partnership which covers the Australian and New Zealand markets. This partnership will mean that Mindscape Asia Pacific will handle all sales, distribution and marketing of Tecmo Koei’s titles including Dead or Alive, Dynasty Warriors, Fist of the North Star and Ninja Gaiden, amongst others.
Read more »Battlefield 3 fans – get excited. EA have released a bunch of new info on Aftermath – their upcoming fourth multiplayer expansion pack – and it is looking good.
Read more »So much multiplayer, so little time….Ubisoft have released their official multiplayer trailer for their upcoming Assassination Stabby Stabby blockbuster Assassin’s Creed III.
Read more »There’s no point in pre-ordering a game if you don’t get any good extras for doing so, right? These days it seems retailers are fighting it out to provide the most attractive pre-order incentives for customers. Just recently announced are the pre-order bonuses for the limited edition of Dead Space 3 and the first word that comes to mind is….shiny.
Read more »Lets get ready to….jiggle. Good news, fighter fans – Team Ninja have released three new downloadable content packs for Dead or Alive 5. These packs are able to be downloaded now from the Playstation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace, and offer an interesting mix of new costumes.
Read more »We’re counting down the days until the launch of Call of Duty Black Ops II – one of the most anticipated titles of 2012. In the lead up to its release, it seems Activision has kicked into trailer and content overload.
Read more »That thunderous crash you heard over the weekend was my jaw hitting the floor not once, but twice, thanks to Irrational Games. They not only unveiled their limited and uber-limited editions of Bioshock Infinite, but they also debuted a brand new trailer that showed off some amazing new gameplay. Read on for all the details.
Read more »This was the weekend of the big Comic and Entertainment Expo up in Edmonton, Canada, which just so happens to be the home base of Bioware. Being the super cool folks that they are, they chose the expo as the place to show off some brand new DA3 concept art and gameplay details. Read on for all the details.
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