This is the second installment of my interview with Rana McAnear, the face model of Samara and Morinth from the Mass Effect series. In the last segment, we talked about how she acquired the role and started cosplaying. We ended with a description of Rana’s first in-costume experiences.
Read more »Rana McAnear is best known as the face model of Samara and Morinth from the Mass Effect series. Recently, she’s made a habit of cosplaying those characters and playing an active role in the Mass Effect fan community. Her participation has garnered her an overwhelmingly positive reputation. I was lucky enough to sit down with her for a Skype interview after this year’s Dragon*Con.
Read more »Earlier in the year, during the EB Games Expo I was blown away by the amazing Assassin’s Creed inspired Femme Ezio cosplay by The Vixen Gamer. To say this cosplay was spectacular doesn’t do it justice – the attention to detail was superb. So when the creator of this amazing cosplay – Clare Costigan – agreed to answer some questions I had about her cosplaying I was estatic. We covered questions focusing on her cosplaying, the challenges and rewards associated with being a cosplayer, advice for those wanting to try their hand at cosplaying and more. Read on for her […]
Read more »During Brisbane Supanova 2012 I was lucky enough to spend some time with the very talented individuals who cosplayed the Avengers. I may have been slightly awestruck when the group’s Nick Fury agreed to answer a few questions I had about cosplaying, and what it takes to dedicate yourself to this very challenging yet very rewarding past-time.
Read more »The 2012 Brisbane Supanova has visited the RNA Showgrounds for another year, and once again there were mass crowds attending the event. Going by the sheer number of people who passed through the doors, most of Brisbane arrived to soak up the pop culture goodness on offer.
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