Uncharted is undoubtedly one of Sony’s marquee franchises. I’m not an expert when it comes to the series – I played the original game before my PS3 died, but admit I only have a fleeting knowledge of the games. That might change with the upcoming release of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, but I still knew enough to be all over Naughty Dog’s newest offering.
Read more »After an extremely long gestation period, the post-apocalyptic shooter known as The Division was finally available to play. Ubisoft showed a little bit of the game at last year’s EB Expo with a hands-off demo, but for those that have been dying to step back into the world created by Tom Clancy, this was the year. The mode shown off was The Dark Zone, an intense PVP section of the world where players will find the best gear for their characters, and their greatest challenges.
Read more »It’s a little sad when you know you’re at the furthest possible point from another EB Expo. Sure, October itself is almost a celebration of gaming in Australia, but being in the midst of the season means being closer to the end.
Read more »Get the Heebie-Jeebies at the EBies – EB Games Expo!
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