DICE halts all future projects to focus on Battlefield 4 problems
Well, this is awkward. Since launching Battlefield 4 over a month ago, EA and developer DICE have dealt with a seemingly unending string of glitches and bugs which have fans in an uproar. Now, DICE have taken the extraordinary step of halting work on all other projects to focus on fixing their marquee shooter. Read on for the details.
The announcement came by way of a statement issued to IGN, in which an EA representative stated that work on all other projects at DICE will be halted until the issues surrounding Battlefield 4 have been dealt with. “We know we still have a ways to go with fixing the game – it is absolutely our #1 priority,” the statement read. “The team at DICE is working non-stop to update the game.”
When asked whether or not this refocus will affect other games currently in development at DICE, like Mirror’s Edge and Star Wars Battlefront, the EA rep would only say that “We haven’t announced a ship date for Battlefront but right now the team is focused on fixing Battlefield 4.” EA concluded its statement by saying that “We know many of our players are frustrated, and we feel your pain. We will not stop until this is right.”
So this means no DLC, no more expansions, no more games from DICE until they’ve remedied all of Battlefield’s ailments… which might take awhile. The game has been plagued by glitches both large and small since launch, and every fix issued by DICE seems to cause problems of its own. I hope they’re able to get the issues resolved, and make Battlefield the bona fide Call of Duty killer it was meant to be. With that series beginning to show its age, now was the perfect opportunity for DICE to step up and knock the old king of shooter off its throne. Perhaps they still can, but time is definitely running out.
Source: IGN