EA launches Battlefield 4 teaser site
To those who were holding their breath, wondering if there would be another Battlefield game, it’s time to take a huge sigh of relief. There is indeed a new game on the way, and EA has launched a cool site teasing a reveal next week. Read on for the details.
The new website, which can be viewed here, advises fans to return on March 27 for a first look at Battlefield 4’s gameplay. The site is dominated by a rain soaked screen which can be cleared away by moving your cursor over it. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything too exciting behind the water droplets. No T-Rexes, or nubile coeds soaping each other up. You just see, like… blurry tanks and stuff. Luckily, the site features a login where fans (with an Origin ID, natch) can sign up to unlock more Battlefield 4 art. But I know how lame having to deal with Origin can be, so I went ahead and saw what was on the other side of the login page so you don’t have to…
So, yeah… more rain and more tanks. I’m sensing a theme here. Oh, and logging in will also unlock the “I Was There” dog tag in Battlefield 3.
EA also released a teaser for the teaser in the form of a Vine video. In case you’re unfamiliar with Vine, it’s a service which allows you to upload six second video clips from your mobile device. So it’s pretty much twitter in video form. The Battlefield 4 Vine video doesn’t show much of anything, but if you just gotta experience every piece of hype for this game, you can watch it here.
So what did you think? I was pretty blown away, honestly. The first 2 seconds, I was like “WTF is this?” But when the big “4” appeared, I was hooked. When those six seconds were finally up, I felt like I had just gotten off a rollercoaster of emotions. I can’t wait to see the whole thing next week.