House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut refused classification in Australia
In a statement to AusGamers, SEGA have revealed that their upcoming Playstation Move relase – House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut – has been refused classification in Australia. Extended Cut is a remastered version of the Nintendo Wii game. Check out the official statement below.
SEGA®Australia Pty Ltd would like to confirm that the much anticipated The House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut has been refused classification by the Classification Operations Branch of Australia. House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut was set to release in Australia exclusively for the Playstation®Move for the Playstation®3 computer entertainment system on October 27th 2011.
SEGA Australia are determined to appeal the decision immediately and hope to have the classification overturned without making any changes or amends to the final game. Managing Director Darren Macbeth believes the Board’s decision to refuse classification is indicative of the current inconsistencies of the system for video game classifications in Australia, “There are far worse titles currently available in the marketplace which involve more than shooting down mutants in humorous circumstances. We will do everything we can to prove that House of the Dead: Overkill is worthy of an MA15+ rating in Australia.”
Guess this trailer for the game featured at Comic-con is the closest us Aussies will get to the game (unless you import of course. Shhh)
Source: AusGamers
Aussies – what are you thoughts regarding this decision? Let us know below