New ZombiU trailer
Zombies – they’re so hot right now. So hot, in fact, that it seems every developer and publisher worth their salt has, at some point, included zombies into their games. And the next publisher up to the zombie plate is Ubisoft, who aren’t just making zombies a small part of one of their games – they’re making them the whole focus of their exclusive to the Wii U title – Zombi U.
Interested to know more? Then you are in luck, for Ubisoft have released a new trailer for ZombiU. Thankfully, the trailer does show gameplay, and from what we’ve seen so far, ZombiU certainly has a very 28 Days Later feel to it. And being a rather big zombie fan myself – this title is shaping up to be one of the games that would tempt me to buy a Wii U. Check out the trailer below, and let us know your thoughts in the comments section. Instant banishment to the naughty corner if any of you simply type ‘BRAAAAAAAAINS’ in the comments. Don’t be that guy.