News Recap January 15th 2012
There’s so much news this past week that I am overwhelmed with the coolness of it. Here’s your recap for January 15th in case you missed some of the exciting stuff we covered.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus confirmed for US PS Vita launch title – I think the important phrase to remember about this entry is “rear touch pad.”
3DS selling like hotcakes in Japan; Breaks monthly sales record – Nintendo is putting something in Japan’s water.
WoW Recieves European price drop – Blizzard: Okay okay we don’t wall all your money JUST KIDDING GIVE IT TO US GIVE IT TO US YOU KNOW YOU WILL!
SSX gets Tricky in new trailer – I’m sorry did you say helicopters?
Update 1.1 for SW: TOR released on public test server – New flashpoints and bug fixes and better ways to get those infuriatingly tough to reach datacrons.
Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses Tour announces more dates – I kind of think this is brilliant. And I’m kind of sad my city isn’t on the list.
Gotham City Imposters delayed – Pushed back from January to sometime in February, so you can’t be an imposter of Batman just yet… unless you are… in real life.
Breaking News: Call of Duty is really popular – Really? Hadn’t heard of it.
Fallout MMO rights restored to Bethesda – There is no actual confirmation of an MMO coming, but don’t crap your pants it it does get announced. I’m thinking it’s likely at this point…. I meant you crapping your pants.
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition releasing March 2nd in Europe – But it’s the lesser version without as many cool things. I will never understand why they do this.
Aussie retailer JB HiFi will not be selling 3G PS Vitas; cancels preorders – In other news that business meeting ended with the phrase “we should fire proof our stores.”
Casey Hudson offers new ME3 details – Still no word on where James Vega got his awesome haircut.
Let the Dildo Warfare Continue – Link presented without comment.
Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D for 3DS release date announced – It’s 3D for everyone but Snake, who has no depth perception.
New maps for Assassins Creed: Revelations – More buildings to climb. More people to stab.
Darkness II reclassified in Australia following inclusion of sex scene – Please don’t let it be something with tentacles please don’t let it be something with tentacles please don’t let it be something with tentacles….
Kingdoms of Amalur demo available on XBox Live January 17th – That’s two days from now! And you get cool cross promotional items for Mass Effect 3. (Two links in one comment. I’m exhausted).
E3 2012 will not feature PS4 announcement – Consider this rumor debunked.
Buy Tacos, Acquire Vita – I haven’t been to Taco Bell since college. This is going to hurt.
Binary Domain “Bigger Than You Think” trailer – The more we hear about this game the more interested we are to see it happen.
Writers Guild of America releases nominations for video game writing award – The fact that this award exists totally blows my mind in a really good way.
Mass Effect 3 on PC will require Origin to work – PC gamers not sure if want.
There you have it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and don’ot forget to check back for daily updates in news, features, opinions and reviews!