Shortlist for BAFTA Game award revealed
Video game retailer GAME has announced their shortlist for the BAFTA GAME award, which is the only award attached to the GAME Bristish Academy Video Games Awards that is open to public vote. The shortlist of contenders is chosen by a panel consisting of media experts and representatives, and the winner is chosen by public vote – GAME customers and the wider public are able to cast their votes to determine the winner of the award.
The shortlist of nominees is supposed to represent the very best of the years gaming releases, and this year the shortlist includes quite a varied selection of games (with a few very obvious absentees).
The full shortlist is:
- Batman: Arkham City
- Battlefield 3
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- FIFA 12
- LA Noire
- Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Minecraft
- Portal 2
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
Noteably absent, at leat in my eyes are Saints Row: The Third, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Star Wars: The Old Republic.
The public can vote for the winner by going to and all those who vote will have the chance to win a Kinect Star Wars Xbox360 console. The winner will be announced on Friday, March 16.
Given that there doesn’t appear to be any specific discussion as to what individuals should be using to decide who gets their vote (other than the very general ‘best game’ tag, I expect this is simply a popularity contest. And with that in mind, and given that last years award was taken out by Call of Duty: Black Ops, it seems Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a shoe-in to win. A shame, given the amount of genre challenging and unique titles which were released last year.
This is of course pure speculation on my part, and I hope I’m proved wrong. It would be nice to see a different game than a Call of Duty title win.
Except FIFA 12. Why is that game even on the list?!
Source: VideoGamer