Sony details US PS Vita Launch day special bundle
Good news for US gamers planning on grabbing the PS Vita on launch day – Sony has announced they will be offering a special Launch Day bundle across North America. Sony used their US Playstation Blog to announce that gamers who pre-ordered the First Edition Bundle of the PS Vita will now be provided with an AT&T DataConnect Pass valid for a free 250MB session in addition to a PSN game, both of which will be provided upon 3G activation.
These additions are provided on top of the already included extras of the base Wi-Fi or 3G version of the Vita, a 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, Little Deviants game and a limited edition case.
Sony also took the opportunity to announce a second special bundle, which comes with an 8GB Memory Card, the AT&T DataConnect Pass and an unknown PSN game. This version will retail for US $299, and Sony has cautioned that if you want this version, you had better get in quick, as stock is extremely limited. Whether that is the case or whether that’s a nice little marketing ploy to appeal to those buyers on the fence, is anyone’s guess.
Either way, you have some time to make up your mind, but don’t take too long. The PS Vita launches across NA and Europe on February 22.
Source: US Playstation Blog (via VG24/7)