Ubisoft Annecy doing Assassins Creed III Multiplayer
According to the Twitter profle of Tim Browne, which clearly states that he’s the lead designer working on Assassins Creed III Multiplayer at Ubisoft Annecy, ACIII is being worked on by Ubisoft Annecy.
Yes I know that was redundant but I’ve had a long morning already and I’m also really excited for this. Why wouldn’t I be? Ubisoft Annecy is also the capable hands responsible for the multiplayer modes for the previous Asssassins Creed games so I think its safe to assume that this is going to rock pretty hard. Making it rock even harder is the strong possibility of 4 player coop play and not just multiplayer competitive goodness. You know, because that just wasn’t good enough I guess.
Source: VG24/7