Save Game – No Data Available – Episode 8 Part 1

no-data-availableIn Episode 8 of No Data Available,  Jen and I are joined by Joe once again and we are talking about the reverse of our previous podcast – video game worlds we definitely do not want to live in.

Let’s face it – there are a lot of video game worlds you would not want to live in. So many that we actually had to divide this podcast into two parts.

In part 1 we are talking about worlds that include necromorphs, gollum-children, space elves that can psychically kill you from billions of miles away, ghosts and nuclear holocaust russian nazi’s to name but a few. Are these worlds depressing? You betcha. But hey, we can still make taking about them fun, right? We hope we can, at least.

So have a listen, and let us know what you think. And don’t forget – if you have a topic you’d like us to talk about, tweet us at @SaveGameOnline, visit our facebook at Save Game or email us via

And yes – we’re doing a giveaway in part 2 of this podcast. So you should listen out for that. Especially if you like video game apparel. Yep.

About the Author: Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Tash is a self-diagnosed gaming fanatic with a doctorate in Psychology. She's also a self-confessed Mass Effect fangirl and will likely talk your ears off if you ever get her started on the subject. A lover of all things RPG and adventure, she has more gamer related action figures and memorabilia than any 30 something year old professional has a right to own, and has spent more time than she’d like to admit to daydreaming about exactly what she would do should the Zombie Apocalypse actually happen.

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