Save Game – No Data Available – Episode 14

No-Data-AvailableIt’s 2014 and Tash and Jen start the first episode of the new year by chatting all things 2014 releases.

After a quick recap of what games we’ve been playing, we launch straight into a discussion of our most anticipated game releases of 2014. We’re talking Witcher 3. We’re talking Dragon Age Inquisition. We even sneak in some Destiny and Titanfall and Watch Dogs. There’s comparisions to dating preferences and Sims shame and we even talk about The Net tv show.

Don’t remember that one? That’s ok. Most people don’t.

So join us as we dive into 2014 releases. Don’t forget you can also download our podcast via itunes for those long work commutes.

And remember  – we love to hear feedback, or suggestions for future discussion topics. So if you have a burning question for us, or an idea for the next podcast, tweet us via @SaveGameOnline or email A full inbox is a good inbox, right?

About the Author: Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Tash is a self-diagnosed gaming fanatic with a doctorate in Psychology. She's also a self-confessed Mass Effect fangirl and will likely talk your ears off if you ever get her started on the subject. A lover of all things RPG and adventure, she has more gamer related action figures and memorabilia than any 30 something year old professional has a right to own, and has spent more time than she’d like to admit to daydreaming about exactly what she would do should the Zombie Apocalypse actually happen.

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