Dead Space 3: Awakened follows immediately after the closing events of Dead Space 3, promising more co-op fun (or is that terror?) with Isaac Clarke and John Carver. Adding more backstory to the Dead Space world and answering the question of just what happened to the duo after Dead Space 3’s finale, is the DLC worth the $15 asking price, or should you simply opt out of this experience?
Read more »It’s Necromorphs, Necromorphs everywhere, with Dead Space 3 marking the third game where dismembering limbs is the song to saving your skin. But with three games in, is the tune a little too overplayed? Have Dead Space’s scary monsters lost their fear factor? The answer to these questions is a resounding HELL NO.
Read more »At a recent preview event for EA‘s upcoming scary space thriller Dead Space 3, Rebecca was lucky enough to speak to the Producer of Dead Space 3 – John Calhoun. Up for discussion were the new co-op addition to the series, as well as the new weapons system, roll and cover system, the amazing audio featured in-game and just how one goes about making a game scary when you’re playing with a friend. The full interview transcript is below.
Read more »Turns out there is a benefit to one company owning almost all the big platform games — you can wear your Mass Effect N7 armor in Dead Space 3! If you have a Mass Effect save game file on the same platform, that is (Xbox, PS3, or PC).
Read more »If you’re like me and have been eagerly awaiting the relesase of Visceral Games and EA‘s Dead Space 3, you’ll be very happy to hear that a downloadable demo for the scare-filled sci-fi spectacular will be available soon.
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