Witch Beam’s Assault Android Cactus Releases This Month


Australian indie developer Witch Beam is gearing up for the release of their rapid-fire twin-stick shooter, Assault Android Cactus, due out on September 23, to an initial PC slather of Windows, OSX and Linux. Console owners hoping for some android lovin’ will have to wait until next year, when it’ll become available to PS4, Vita and Wii U platforms, but it is on the way.

The short of the game is that you play as an android of your choosing, and shoot a whole bunch of robots, filling your screen with lots and lots of colour. Lots and lots of shooting. As a twin-stick shooter, shooting is basically what you do most. Shooting and moving. That’s the short version and all we’re able to say for now, at least until the game is officially out.

You can read more about Assault Android Cactus here, or if you’d like to read our previous coverage of the game, you can read Tash’s interview with Witch Beam’s Sanatana Mishra here.

Assault Android Cactus is currently available through Early Access on Steam, and officially releases on September 23.

About the Author: (@Nicktatorship) Writer

Nick grew up during the golden age of adventure games, sweeping him away to worlds that left him with a love of storytelling . He’s become a devotee of the Xbox, but thinks there’s room for all of the maker’s platforms. He considers Mass Effect itself to be the defining accomplishment of humanity, which would only be surpassed by the construction of an actual mass relay. When he’s not reliving the Shakarian dream, he’s drawn most to RPGs, open world games, and hours upon hours of building things in Minecraft.

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