Narratively-driven video games have enjoyed a renaissance in the last couple of years, showing the wider population that the medium can be just as effective as films, TV and books when it comes to storytelling. And it’s not a niche market: everyone from indie developers to AAA studios are releasing games with strong focus on characterisation, immersive narrative and deep exploration of relatable themes. Of course, the flip side to that is not everyone gets it right. However, Life Is Strange, a new episodic game from developer Dontnod Entertainment, gets it very right.
Read more »In an industry clogged with sequels and prequels and spin-offs of already established franchises, it’s nice to see new IP announcements. The most recent of which comes from Square Enix, who have announced Life Is Strange, an episodic, digitally delivered, narrative driven adventure game developed by DONTNOD Entertainment.
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