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Save Game’s 12 Days of Christmas Gamer Gifts Guide – Day 2


Our 12 Days of Christmas Gamer Gifts Guide continues – with Day 2 providing something completely different to Day 1. But never fear – it’s still gamer themed – and would make a perfect gift for your favourite gaming buddy. Or is that buddy-ista? That’s right. We’ve got something for the ladies this time…..

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Save Game’s 12 Days of Christmas Gamer Gifts Guide – Day 1


The countdown to Christmas has begun, and that means it’s time for Save Game’s 12 Days of Christmas Gamer Gifts Guide. Every day for the next 12 days, I’ll be spotlighting gamer-themed gifts that might just be the perfect Christmas gift for your gamer friend/partner/family member (or you might just want to buy them for yourself). I’ll cover everything from artwork to tshirts and even game-themed soap. So grab yourself some holiday eggnog, cut a slice of Christmas fruit cake and take a look at Day 1 of our 12 day feature.

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Spotlight On: Undead Arcade


We here at Save Game like spotlighting games from smaller indie developers that may not be on everyone’s radar, but that are more than deserving of coverage. In this spotlight, we’re taking a look at Undead Arcade by Just Add U Studios.

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Facebook Friday – The Sims Social


I have to admit – I didn’t think games available on Facebook would take off the way they have. I thought there would be a few that were popular and the rest would fade into obscurity. But looking at the huge number of Facebook games available has proven me wrong – and has also led to the creation of a new feature at Save Game – Facebook Friday! Get excited, readers – because every Friday, we here at Save Game will be reviewing a game on Facebook and letting you know our thoughts. We’ll cover the important points – is […]

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Save Game guide to Black Friday Deals


Here in Australia, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but what we can celebrate is the fantastic bargains that gamers can get their turkey grease covered hands on during the Black Friday deals. It seems every retailer wants you to spend your cash at their stores, but every conscientious Black Friday shopper knows you need to plan ahead to ensure you finish the day with the games, and deals, you want. So aren’t you lucky there exists a Black Friday deals rundown, right here? Yes. Yes you are.

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Jupiter’s Folly – Our thoughts and experiences #3


In the third and final of our thoughts and experiences with Jupiter’s Folly feature, I provide my opinion on the game. Read on to find out my thoughts and experiences.

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Save Game Plays Skyrim


Several of the Save Game crew have been practically living in Skyrim since Bethesda released the 5th installment of the Elder Scrolls series just a few days ago.  We’ve all been experiencing different things and thought we’d share a little about those experiences.  After all, there is so much to be explored.  SO MUCH.  In depth reviews of the game will come much later after we’ve successfully exhausted ourselves in this vast world of awesomesauce. 

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Jupiter’s Folly – Our thoughts and experiences #2


In the second of our thoughts and experiences with Jupiter’s Folly feature, Joe gives us his opinion on the game. What did he like? What did he find frustrating? Read on to find out.

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Jupiter’s Folly – Our thoughts and experiences #1


Recently, some members of the Save Game staff and our forums were given the opportunity to try their hand at Jupiter’s Folly – an online strategy board game from Iron Helmet Games. The game features mining. It features crystal. It features alien bugs intent on wiping out your security details and playing havoc with your mines. And thrown into all of this is the challenge of competing against other players who have similar goals and objectives as you. Over the next three days, we’ll be posting our experiences with the game, so that those of you unfamiliar with the game […]

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Grand Theft Auto 5: A fan’s look at what was seen (and maybe not seen) in the trailer


The Grand Theft Auto series has been one of the most critically acclaimed and financially successful videogame franchises of the last decade. So when a new title in the series is announced, it’s big news. And yesterday’s unveiling of the Grand Theft Auto 5 teaser trailer was no exception.

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