I thought I knew what I had waiting for me when I bought it. In many ways the game felt like a known quantity; at worse it would feel the same niche that had previously been occupied by Morrowind and Everquest. Those two honed-in on a love of exploration, and brought about marathon gaming sessions that’d lead to bed as the morning birds were waking.
Read more »Event Cinemas in Sydney were host to the pre-launch event for Blizzard’s new World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. The queue for entry ran from the first floor, down the stairs, and well past the ticket office. The numbers attending were massive, and it’s to no surprise that the tickets had all been nabbed within three minutes of being made available last tuesday.
Read more »I’ve always kinda liked video games. Boredom is not a word that factors in my vocabulary. I’ve got a lot of hobbies, way more than is reasonable for any human being. In no particular order, I am obsessed with and spend probably six or more hours a week on each of the following: reading, writing, knitting, fitness, music, film, cooking…We all have our vices. Being someone who’s kind of obsessed with stories in all forms, it’s a miracle I wasn’t ever obsessed with video games. Chalk it up to time – there are only so many hours in the day.
Read more »Looks like World of Warcraft fans will finally be getting that movie they’ve all been talking about for years. The project seems to have been up in the air forever, but now apparently director Duncan Jones has been attached to the world of Azeroth.
Read more »The premise behind any MMORPG is pretty simple: Get a bunch of similarly-interested people together, stick them on a server and watch the pot boil as they grind and quest and level their way up the seemingly never-ending ladder of in-game objectives and exploration. The great thing – or worst thing, depending on your perspective – about any MMO is that second M: the Multiplayer aspect. But what happens if you don’t necessarily need that all-important feature?
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