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The Xbox One FAQs: Translated

Yesterday, in an attempt to quell the rumors swirling around their new console, Microsoft put out a series of FAQs designed to answer everyone’s questions regarding the Xbox One.  They were less than successful.  But fear not, for we have translated the FAQs so they’re easier to understand.  Read on for the details.

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First gameplay footage for Wolfenstein: The New Order revealed

Dual-wielding automatic shotguns confirmed!  Two new gameplay videos for Wolfenstein: The New Order have been revealed, and they are full of the gritty, over-the-top action you’ve come to expect from the series.  Read on to see them for yourself.

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Destiny’s new trailer teaches the Law of the Jungle

Don’t ever accuse Bungie of doing anything small.  The very first trailer for Destiny has arrived, and it’s a mixture of live action and CGI that is quite simply stunning.  IMHO, of course.  Read on to see it for yourself.

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Gamestop’s President ain’t even mad

  In case you hadn’t noticed, folks on the internet are a bit upset about Microsoft’s vague and contradictory statements concerning used games on the Xbox One.  One person you would assume would be particularly upset is the President of Gamestop.  Surprisingly, this is not the case.  Read on for the details.

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Xbox One: It also plays games!

While much of today’s Xbox One announcement was dedicated to showing how the console will function as an all-in-one center for home entertainment, Microsoft didn’t ignore the games completely.  Read on to check out what next generation titles revealed.

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Xbox One: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we think we know

After years of rampant speculation, fear mongering and hand wringing, Microsoft has finally unveiled its next console.  In a tightly orchestrated one hour presentation, they outlined what they believe the future of game consoles will be, and the future will never be the same again!  Read on for all the details.

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