Certain Affinity has released another trailer for their upcoming Xbox live release Crimson Alliance, this time featuring the sexy, sassy assassin Moonshade. Check out the trailer below for a sneak peak at how the game will play from an assassin’s perspective.
Read more »Previously we reported on a site set up by Atlus that might have been teasing an upcoming Persona release, and it seems that speculation was spot on. According to Famitsu, Persona 4 is heading to the Playstation Vita and will have a Spring 2012 Japan release. The new game, entitled Persona 4: The Golden, will feature a new character, new cutscenes, and 1.5 times the amount of voice over content than the previous 2009 PS2 release contained. The game will also utilize the online capabilities of Vita.
Read more »We reported earlier that an ingame message within Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC’s main menu teased of an upcoming announcement, and now it seems that announcement has taken the form of a code. And the code given? okM8-+Ds4Dui?lMh$Mzvm14SBqe7;G.l6=u74b?mkh-45Ki60d+98XBpCku7 Looks like gibberish to me, but this code has led to a very indepth search for just what the code could allude to. And when we say indepth – we mean indepth. Check out the progress on the code below.
Read more »It’s no secret that Dragon Age 2‘s release polarized fan opinion. Some loved the new direction for the series, others hated it, but the devs have been quick to reassure those fans who were disappointed that they have indeed been listening to criticism. And now it seems Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw has spilled the beans on one aspect of Dragon Age 3‘s design – that of follower appearance. Laidlaw has stated that followers will continue to have ‘iconic’ appearances, but that there will be some customization ability given to the player. Check below for his full statement on the issue.
Read more »Epic Games have announced that Gears of War 3 will have its own Season Pass – an offer that will entitle gamers who pony up the 2400 MSP (that’s $30) to receive all future DLC released for the game. The DLC content on offer apparently includes both single player and multiplayer content, and whilst we don’t yet know what sort of content will be on offer for fans of the single player campaign, we do know that the first DLC will release sometime in November. As an added bonus, those who buy the season pass will also get the exclusive […]
Read more »New Uncharted 3 gameplay footage has emerged – this time focusing on the multiplayer with german voice over and subtitles. The footage shows off the attention to detail we’ve come to associate with Naughty Dog, but perhaps most impressively, it shows the use of dynamic weather effects – in this instance a sandstorm – that dramatically changes conditions for the players. It’s a fantastic addition to the already hectic multiplayer, requiring players to rethink their strategies and providing a real challenge. Check out the footage below.
Read more »Confirmed at PAX, Batman: Arkham City will allow players to play through the campaign after completing it, keeping all their goodies acquired from the previous playthrough. The Game + mode will see all upgrades, skills and gadgets carrying through to a new playthrough should the player want to revisit their steps.
Read more »If you’ve ever wondered if the original Super Mario Bros. would have been better with the addition of a portal game – now you have a chance to find out. The guys at StabYourself have decided to fuse Super Mario Bros with the portal gun to create Mari0 – and if the footage of the game released so far is anything to go by – the addition makes an already fantastic game even more awesome. The game will be playable on Windows, OSX and various Linux based systems and will be provided free to play. No doubt it will be […]
Read more »Nintendo has revealed a limited edition of Zelda: Skyward Sword that comes bundled with a gold, zelda-themed wii remote plus. The remote features a gold body, along with gold D-pad and A button, and is finished off with the Zelda royal crest adorning the speaker area of the remote. A Zelda music CD will also be included in the initial production run of the game – for both the limited edition bundle and the standard edition. And the cost for this bundle? $70 if you live in America – no word yet on the price for European consumers.
Read more »Whilst more games may be set in the Mass Effect universe, Bioware has confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will conclude Shepard’s story, and that Shepard will not feature in future titles. Speaking in an interview with PC Gamer, producer and community manager Michael Gamble said “After this, Commander Shepard’s story is complete.” When asked if this meant that Shepard would definitely not be appearing in future titles, Gamble responded “correct”.
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