It seems these days that if you are releasing a triple AAA title, your release isn’t complete unless you also have a smaller iPhone/iPad/android game in the same series available to download. Assassin’s Creed: Revelations has only just been released, and hot on its heels comes the launch of Assassin’s Creed: Recollection. Recollection is a real-time board game which provides players with the opportunity to discover and collect a variety of artwork created for the larger Assassins’ Creed games.
Read more »Cut content centering around the Citadel, which was originally destined to be featured in Mass Effect 2, will now be included in Mass Effect 3, Lead Writer Mac Walters has stated in an interview with OXM. According to Walters, Bioware had originally intended to showcase more of the Citadel in Mass Effect 2, however, these plans were dropped and the content was cut from the final release of the game.
Read more »Tis the season….to place game characters into a nativity display. Gamestation has unveiled its Christmas nativity display – and they’ve certainly made the display more colourful. Over 300 000 customers were polled at Gamestation stores and asked who they would want to play the nativity figures this year. The results may just surprise you.
Read more »To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Ubisoft is having a week-long sale on the PSN, with 25 titles discounted by various %’s. You’ll be able to save on add-on content from the Assassin’s Creed series, H.A.W.X and Ruse, and PS3 games like Beyond Good and Evil HD, From Dust, the Prince of Persia Trilogy and Outland are also on sale. The sale goes for a week until December 7, so if you’ve been looking at purchasing any of the below mentioned titles, now might be a good time. Check out the full list below.
Read more »Bluemouth Interactive, who specialise in gaming accessories, strategy guides and bags and cases among other gaming gear, are having an online warehouse sale, where you can nab yourself some absolutely fantastic savings. They have accessories available for all major consoles and handhelds – PS3, Xbox360, Wii, Nintendo DS, DSi and DSiXL, PSP and PS2 – and there are some items that are a whopping 84% off.
Read more »The world of Skyrim is huge. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE. And unless you have a map handy (or the guidebook), trying to keep track of where everything is is an exercise in frustration. Looking to solve that problem is an ucoming app for the iPhone and iPad called Dragon Shout. The unofficial app, which will be hitting the app store soon, will feature a fully zoomable map of Skyrim which supports annotated markers, so users will be able to mark places of interest. And the best news? The app will be free.
Read more »Google’s Paul Kinlan, speaking at Develop Liverpool, has revealed that Google’s chrome browser will soon be supporting plug-and-play gamepad support. As reported by Edge, the update is expected to arrive in Q1 of 2012, and will mean that controllers, microphones and even cameras should work directly from the browser, without the need for annoying plug ins and permission requests.
Read more »I like special editions. If they’re done right, they include awesome extras that look fantastic in any gamers game room. And with Rockstar’s announcement of the contents of the Max Payne 3 Special Edition, it looks like they have done it very right.
Read more »When Ridge Racer was announced for the PS Vita, there was no gameplay trailer or raft of screenshots to co-incide with the announcement – and that’s probably because the game is shipping with 3 tracks and 5 cars. And that’s it. Given that extremely sparse amount of content, its no wonder there was no gameplay trailer – you could probably see everything the game has to offer in a 3-5 minute demo.
Read more »To say there has been recent upheaval within the games development industry in Australia would be an understatement, but for the first time in a while, we have good news to report. Rather than reporting on a studio closure or a large job loss as a result of low performing titles, this time we’re happy to report that 2K Canberra has been officially renamed 2K Australia, and that they will be working with Irrational Games on its upcoming blockbuster Bioshock Infinite.
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