Oh please let this one be good. Oh please, oh please, oh pleeeeeease. Less than a year after Colonial Marines crashed and burn in spectacular fashion, Sega is back with a new Alien game. With a new developer and new direction, Sega is promising that this new game will be nothing like the last one. They’ve revealed a ton of footage to back up their claims, so read on and check it out.
Read more »So there’s this little game called Titanfall. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? The good old hype train sure seems to be picking up speed lately, and a brand new trailer for the game sure won’t do anything to slow it down. Read on for the details, and to check out the new rock ’em, sock ’em footage.
Read more »It’s been awhile since we last heard about Dragon Age: Inquisition, the next epic RPG from Bioware. That all changed today with a new blog post, updating fans on where development stands, and offering new looks at some of the game’s varied characters and locales. Read on for all the details.
Read more »Hey, are you doing anything for the next ten minutes? No? Cool, then I would strongly suggest checking out this new gameplay video of Dying Light. Turns out there’s a lot more going on in this open world zombie bashing game than bashing zombies. Don’t worry, you’ll be slaughtering plenty of hapless undead, but probably not so much at night. Read on, and see what I mean.
Read more »Just in case you had better things to do than stay home on a Saturday night and watch a three hour awards show with no audience in which very few awards were actually given out, we’ve got everything you need to see from VGX 2013, right here. Because we have no lives.
Read more »Well, this is awkward. Since launching Battlefield 4 over a month ago, EA and developer DICE have dealt with a seemingly unending string of glitches and bugs which have fans in an uproar. Now, DICE have taken the extraordinary step of halting work on all other projects to focus on fixing their marquee shooter. Read on for the details.
Read more »We need to find Jen, and lock her away someplace safe. This video will be dangerous to her, and those around her. To anyone who isn’t Jen, and isn’t in the immediate vicinity of Jen, feel free to read on, and check out this new video from Bethesda, giving an overview of the character progression system in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Read more »You know it’s a slow news day when we’re covering rumors. It’s almost as if something huge is happening tomorrow… Anyway, if the internet sleuths are right, Square Enix is set to unveil not one, but two new Tomb Raider games at next month’s VGX. Read on for the details, if you can call them that.
Read more »With one day to release of the Xbox One worldwide, there’s no better time to start talking all things Xbawx. Queue our special launch guide for the Xbox One – covering a rundown of all the games available at launch (with swanky trailers), details of midnight launches across the world and highlights of good deals going at launch. Without further ado, our specially prepared Launch Guide for the Xbox One – and unlike other people, we won’t make you pay for it!
Read more »The VGA’s are dead. Long live VGX. Spike TV’s recently renamed video game awards show / marketing bonanza has unveiled the nominees for this year’s show. It’s your typical mix of triple A blockbusters and indie darlings, with some surprises thrown in for good measure. Read on, and check out the full list for yourself.
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