Rejoice, Playstation Minecraft players. Your long shared nightmare is finally over. After well over a year of waiting, the Mass Effect mash-up pack for Minecraft is finally available for purchase on all Sony platforms. Go ahead, let those tears of happiness flow. After you’ve all had a good cry, read on for the details.
Read more »Action-shooter TxK, a game inspired by Tempest 2000, is no longer going to be released on PlayStation 4, PC or Android due to alleged legal conflict with Atari.
Read more »If you’ve caught yourself wondering lately, “Gee, I wish there was a list of every single PlayStation game that’s going to be released in 2015 so I can plan out my year,” have we got good new for you. Sony does done just that. They’ve released a list of every game that will be released on their consoles this year. Read on for all the details.
Read more »Software updates are always an emotionally turbulent experience. You’ve got to balance the excitement for new features and bug fixes with the fear of your precious console being turned into a $400 doorstop. So it’s time to brave yourselves once more, as the big 2.00 system update for the PS4 is drawing ever nearer. Read on for some new details.
Read more »Playstation Australia invited Save Game along to a launch event on the eve of EB Expo, giving members of the gaming press a chance to get a hands-on with some brand new games coming out for Playstation 4, and something else that’s without compare, an empty Expo hall. There were a number of games on display, including The Order 1886, Little Big Planet 3, Bloodborne and of course, DRIVECLUB.
Read more »Chugga chugga, choo choo! As the September 9th release date of Destiny draws ever nearer, the game’s hype train just keeps on rolling. Today, it made a stop at Sony, who unveiled a new trailer detailing all the content which will be exclusive to PlayStation versions of the game. We’re talking guns, armor, maps, the works. Read on to check it out for yourself.
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