I know what you are thinking. Why is Scott reviewing that old game? Isn’t it full of 8 year olds smack talking each other? Doesn’t it have graphics that are 10 years old? Isn’t it a grind? Read on for the answer to all of those questions and more!
Read more »Just the name Neverwinter conjures up such strong and vivid memories in most D&D lovers that it’s almost synonymous with dungeon crawling goodness. And D&D lovers are in for a treat, as that is exactly what this game is full of and at a price that most people can’t argue with – Free!
Read more »There has been enough debate regarding the construction of narrative in video games. I understand the merit, but can’t help but think that it sometimes turns out to be a cyclic argument as to who creates meaning in video games. While some see the player engagement as a support system for the story, others believe that the gameplay itself is how a player makes meaning and the story naturally matures through the individual context of the player.
Read more »Dead Space 3: Awakened follows immediately after the closing events of Dead Space 3, promising more co-op fun (or is that terror?) with Isaac Clarke and John Carver. Adding more backstory to the Dead Space world and answering the question of just what happened to the duo after Dead Space 3’s finale, is the DLC worth the $15 asking price, or should you simply opt out of this experience?
Read more »You may have seen the show by now. You may have played the game. But what is Defiance? Put simply, it’s an ok show that might take some time to warm to, but it’s also a very confused game. Let me explain that statement before you agree or disagree, but for the record, I have enjoyed playing Defiance.
Read more »First person shooters seem to be a dime a dozen these days, with every major publisher fielding an FPS title within their lineup of games. EA is no exception, but does Crysis 3 – their latest offering in the third person shooter domain – bring something new to the already crowded FPS corral? Or is Crysis 3 just another tired nag when compared the the drafthorse powerhouse that is the Call of Duty series? I won’t spoil the whole review in the first paragraph, but the short answer is Crysis 3 provides one hell of a ride.
Read more »Loss, regret, religion, bigotry, revolution, quantum physics, hot dogs in trashcans. Not exactly subjects that most video games choose to tackle. But they are all themes found in Irrational Games’ Bioshock Infinite; a game of stunning beauty, shocking violence, and surprising intimacy. While I’ll avoid major spoilers, this review will discuss the game’s overall story, and some of its key themes. So if you want to experience the game completely spoiler-free, turn back now. Otherwise, to fully understand Bioshock Infinite, it is necessary to go back to franchise’s beginning. And it begins, naturally, with a man and a lighthouse.
Read more »2013 will be marked as the year that famed heroine Lara Croft made her remarkable return to the gaming industry. Despite some truly engaging innovation and an origin story that promises an emotional connection to the title that supports its various gameplay mechanics, the true question is: is this the Tomb Raider that fans have been waiting for, or is this a DMC: Devil May Cry type of reboot that caters more to the new fans rather than the traditionalists? By the end of this article, you should have your answer!
Read more »It’s Necromorphs, Necromorphs everywhere, with Dead Space 3 marking the third game where dismembering limbs is the song to saving your skin. But with three games in, is the tune a little too overplayed? Have Dead Space’s scary monsters lost their fear factor? The answer to these questions is a resounding HELL NO.
Read more »Far Cry 3 is a deep, violent and drug-fuelled venture into a lush, tropical island with an unforgiving and dominant underworld. Aside from Rook Island’s dark pretences, you play how you want to play, do exactly what you want to do and as a result your experience will be entirely unique. You can fight your way through the main quest armed with the weapon of your choosing, or maybe explore ancient ruins, dive into mysterious caves, tackle bullsharks or walk among locals. Rook Island is yours – well, aside from the pirates, madmen and an inescapable principle of violence.
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