Event Archives - Save Game

Event Report: LG Ultimate TV Gaming Experience

It’s a sunny afternoon in the middle of October, and I’m standing at the bow of a ferry that’s just left the wharf at Milsons Point. With a bright vision of Sydney Harbour behind me, my brief journey to La Corniche begins. There’s an event. The promise is the same as it always is, and echoes with the familiar staples. There’s food, drink, and of course, games. It’s only just past my second whole month of living this life, and it’s still ridiculously difficult to contain my excitement.

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Your Days Are Numbered, Boys

Gaming has long been a male dominated industry, in both its management and participation. But we are slowly seeing a move away from this with almost half of gamers being female1 and distinct measures taken to garner female involvement at all levels – management, development, and media. One thing that has taken more time, however, is changing the presentation of females in games. Game protagonists have traditionally been male, with females being relegated to lesser roles such as support NPCs, romantic interests, or needing rescuing from a castle (no not that castle, another one). Although this has been recognised, the […]

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The PAX Australia that was – event report

As the dust settles on the first Penny Arcade Expo held here in Australia,  it provides the chance to look back on what was, beyond a doubt, one of the best game themed community events on Australian shores. From the developers featuring their labours of love in the Expo hall to the community events in both the Big Top and the theatres, the three days of PAX Australia showcased the very best of aussie creative talent. If you were a jaded gamer, PAX Australia acted as a shot in the arm of pure, undiluted awesome inspiration.

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The E3 Primer – Part One

Every year we wait, we anticipate and we speculate. But perhaps this year’s E3 expo not only holds the most secrets yet to be revealed, but also the most to lose for everyone involved.

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BREAKING: Ubisoft to show games at E3 2013


I keep getting this feeling like E3 2013 is gonna be sort of a big deal, you know?  Ubisoft seems to agree, as they’ve announced the lineup for their big E3 press conference, and it reads like the menu of a five star restaurant.  Read on for the details.

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PAX Aus Indie Showcase winners announced


The countdown is on to what is the biggest gaming festival that Australia has seen in…well…ever. PAX Australia will be delighting gamers everywhere on July 19-21 and the announcements have already started. Up first, the PAX Aus Indie Showcase winners have been announced.

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Cosplay Spotlight – Avengers Assemble


During Brisbane Supanova 2012 I was lucky enough to spend some time with the very talented individuals who cosplayed the Avengers. I may have been slightly awestruck when the group’s Nick Fury agreed to answer a few questions I had about cosplaying, and what it takes to dedicate yourself to this very challenging yet very rewarding past-time.

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Brisbane Supanova 2012 – Cosplay, Cinema, Collectibles and more


The 2012 Brisbane Supanova has visited the RNA Showgrounds for another year, and once again there were mass crowds attending the event. Going by the sheer number of people who passed through the doors, most of Brisbane arrived to soak up the pop culture goodness on offer.

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