The latest news from the blocky Overworld is that the addictive Minecraft will be coming to the Wii U. Dates vary depending on region, but you’ll find Minecraft: Wii U Edition coming to the system around December 18, and it’ll be coming with many of the content and mashup packs that’ve made their way into other console versions.
Read more »Even if you’re not a Nintendo fan, you have to respect the company’s insistence on doing things their way. Boldly, stubbornly, perhaps even foolishly, they have never been afraid to go in directions that defy conventional wisdom. Perhaps nothing embodies that quality better than their E3 2015 Digital Event. It simply has to be seen to be believed.
Read more »Nintendo have partnered with third-party publisher DeNA to create games for the mobile games market, with goals to attract 100 million users to their mobile games per day.
Read more »Nintendo have updated their policy regarding YouTube advertising revenue via the Nintendo Creators Program.
Read more »You’ve got to hand it to Nintendo for continuing to do things their own way. Their latest NIntendo Direct presentation focused entirely on Bayonetta 2, and just like Direct sessions of past, it was jam packed with new information. So whether you’re a Bayonetta super fan, or just mildly curious, it’s worth a watch. Read on to check it out.
Read more »Yes, it’s that time again. Nintendo’s President Saturo Iwata has once again stepped in front of the cameras and delivered another uplifting presentation to the Nintendo faithful. He brought along new footage from a number of upcoming releases, from Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze to Bayonetta 2 and more. See all the trailers for youself by reading on.
Read more »You have to give Nintendo credit for sticking to this “Direct” thing. Sure, it’s not the way other companies in the industry handle announcements, but NIntendo isn’t other companies. Their latest Nintendo Direct live stream contained a number of new trailers, and a few surprise premieres. Read on for all the details.
Read more »It might be time to blow the dust off your 3DS, and give it a fresh charge. In a new episode of their “Direct” series of announcements, Nintendo laid out their plans for the handheld console, and some of it sounds very impressive. A new Link to the Past, anyone? Read on for the details.
Read more »The Wii U may have already released in other parts of the world, but for us Aussies we are still only just about to celebrate the launch of Nintendo‘s latest console. Launching Friday, November 30, some retailers are opening their stores to the public on Thursday, November 29, for midnight launches. In Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane there will be launch events at the three locations listed below and these eents will feature a live DJ, live caricatures (lucky they aren’t dead, right?) balloon art, themed donuts, slurpees and much more. Just let that sink in for a moment – themed […]
Read more »The Wii U has finally arrived, and depending on your internet connection, you should be playing the latest and greatest games from Nintendo within… ohhh, a few hours of turning it on. And whatever you do, DON’T turn it off while you’re waiting. I’ll explain after the jump.
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