It’s good to feel loved, isn’t it? Volition is showing how much they still care for all of us by releasing four new DLC packs this week. Seriously, four. I counted. From stylish (and not so stylish) clothing, to cool cars, to crazy new powers, these DLC packs show just how much the developers at Volition still love us. And their game too, I guess. Read on for the details.
Read more »Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, It’s a Wonderful Life, Mr. Hanky. All timeless holiday classics which will be celebrated and cherished for untold generations to come. If the launch trailer for How the Saints Save Christmas is any indication, I think we can safely add it to that list. Read on to see it for yourself.
Read more »The folks over at Volition sure are filled with the Christmas spirit. Yesterday, they launched their Christmas carol sing-a-long contest. Today, they’ve done something much bigger: They’ve unveiled a Christmas themed expansion of Saints Row 4, in which the Saints try to rescue Santa Claus himself. Ho Ho Ho, indeed. Read on for the details.
Read more »I don’t know about you, but nothing fills me with the spirit of Christmas like levitating car off the ground, sucking the life force out of those inside, and throwing it into a crowd of unsuspecting civilians. Guess I’m not the only one, since Volition is launching the Saints Row Sing-A-Long Christmas Carol Contest. Read on for the merry details.
Read more »Remember the buzz in the Australian gaming scene at the start of the year when we finally got that R18+ category? It was like Christmas came a week and a bit late! The first half of the year was exciting as we saw various titles released under that shiny new red label that otherwise would not have been seen in their unmodified form in this country. Yet like all good parties someone arrived a little too drunk, upset some people and was refused entry. What surprised most was that it wasn’t an overtly offensive game, like the Japanese Eroge RapeLay, […]
Read more »Those jokesters over at Volition are at it again. To take advantage of today’s release of Grand Theft Auto 5, and perhaps to mock the game’s absence from the PC platform, they’ve issued the GATV pack for free on Steam. Read on for the details.
Read more »We’re in countdown mode here at Save Game HQ, as Saints Row IV is mere days away. And boy, are we excited. To be honest, we thought we couldn’t get more excited for this release than we already were, and then Volition release an infographic that has made us go all weak in the knees all over again.
Read more »Special editions of games seem to be packed with more and more fantastic goodies these days, and if you’ve got a spare $1 million cash (yes, you heard correctly), the Saints Row IV Super Dangerous Wad Wad edition is simply perfect for you.
Read more »Hey, so remember that whole “Saints Row 4 is banned in Australia” thing? If the game’s Australian Steam page is to be believed, the game might be headed to the land down under after all. In a slightly altered form. Read on for the details.
Read more »It came as a bit of a surprise to me, but there were other games being demonstrated at E3 besides Destiny. Who knew? One of those games was Saints Row 4. We’ve got all the interviews, demos, and previews right here. Oh, and a picture of a man in a flannel shirt holding the Dubstep Gun. Read on!
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