I’ll be honest – one of the games I was most looking forward to seeing at E3 this year was Dragon Age: Inquisition. However, this excitement was mixed with trepidation – whilst Dragon Age: Origins remains one of my favourite video games, Dragon Age 2 never reached the same compelling heights of its predecessor. After viewing the 35 minute E3 presentation of Dragon Age: Inquisition I can excitedly say that this game is bringing the magic of the Dragon Age world back with a vengeance.
Read more »Let’s get one thing out of the way straight away – I’m not a fan of multiplayer FPS games, and I am not someone who gets excited about challenging, engaging, player vs player multiplayer maps. I have my feet very firmly planted in the ‘single player is king’ camp. With that said – I had a damn lot of fun with Titanfall, and based on the strength of what it offers to players, it just might be the killer console seller than Xbox One is looking for.
Read more »Preview events are usually a pretty standard fare – you go into an office building or a booked out room, where consoles have been set up and you play through sections of a game. Nothing out of the ordinary. The preview event I attended last week took place in a Red Cross blood donor centre. Yeah, it was a little odd, but it makes more sense when you take into consideration it was a preview event for the upcoming Castlevania game, Lords of Shadow 2, in which you play the infamous vampire Dracula. Attendees not only got to step into […]
Read more »The launch dates for the next generation consoles are just a over a month away and I was lucky to get hands on with the XBox One recently, thanks to XBox Australia. I also had the opportunity to try out demos for RYSE: Son of Rome, Forza 5, Killer Instinct, Kinect Sports Rivals and Dead Rising 3.
Read more »Among the many game developers, publishers, designers, and fans at this year’s PAX was City Interactive, and they were here to show off three titles coming your way in the not too distant future – Alien Rage, Enemy Front, and Lords of the Fallen.
Read more »It can be hard sometimes being a fan. You love something so much, you cherish it with such intensity that it can sometimes become your own life. Yet there are those out there who hate or despise that same something, and those who want to turn it into something it isn’t, something different. Me? I’m a Star Wars fan, so you can imagine the roller coaster ride of the past twenty years, being a fan of a series that constantly updates itself as if it’s trying to keep up instead of standing tall as the innovator it always was.
Read more »A behind closed doors demo of Bethesda’s The Evil Within. Step into the shoes of detective Sebastian Castellanos as he bears witness to the terrifying resurrection of original Survival Horror.
Read more »These days, you could be forgiven for rolling your eyes as yet another zombie apocalypse themed game releases. However, State of Decay from Undead Labs – the most recent title featuring the shambling undead – offers something more than just your run of the mill zombie smashing action experience. State of Decay is a unique take on what’s fast becoming a tired genre, offering an incredibly detailed and nuanced open world zombie survival horror experience to Xbox 360 and PC owners.
Read more »If you’re a fan of games where you run around cities and warzones, shooting at enemies with similarly dressed squad mates then get excited because Battlefield 4 is coming to a platform near you! I was lucky to see a live gameplay demonstration presented by David Silvermann (Global Director of International Marketing, EA) and this latest instalment of the Battlefield franchise includes more vehicles and more destruction for fans of the series, and introduces features to bring in new initiates. Built using the Frostbite 3 engine, Silvermann discussed the benefit of this in the symbiotic relationship between the engine and […]
Read more »Recently I was lucky to go hands on with Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, the most recent installment in the Ninja Gaiden franchise by Tecmo Koei and Team Ninja. Three words which sum up the experience: colourful, stylized and fun.
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