There were a few games that felt a little more like board or card games than any video-game specific type of game. Each had an element that harkened back to a more tactile or manual way of playing, but still brought the video game aspect in.
Read more »One of the most exciting things about the increase in the variety of indie gaming is that a lot of older play mechanics that’ve fallen by the wayside have the chance to come back. There were a few that had the mechanics of games (sometimes multiple) that we’ve played before, but were presented in new or interesting ways.
Read more »Space is back, in a big way. NASA and Hollywood aren’t the only ones heading up into the deep empty nothing. These were just a handful of the games looking star-ward, but ones well worth a look.
Read more »There hadn’t been a lot of news coming out of Wargaming over Master of Orion since it was announced they’d be working on a new game, but PAX Australia became the perfect venue to give gamers a fresh look at the new take on the old classic.
Read more »The home of the indie games at PAX Australia was the section known as PAX Rising – there were a few satellite games spread further afield, but for the most part, this was where they (and that elusive ‘it’ quality) were to be found.
Read more »I had the chance to sit down with Max Chuvalov, Stephen Wang and Randall King from Wargaming over the PAX weekend. Max is the World of Tanks Marketing Product Manager, Stephen is the Wargaming CTG Sydney General Manager, and Randall is the Executive Producer of WG Austin. As far as PAX Australia appearances go, it’s Wargaming’s third in a row, and they’re quite vocal about being pleased to be part of the event, and the community at large.
Read more »Star Wars fans, it’s time to rejoice. A new playset based on the upcoming Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens is heading to Disney Infinity this December. It’s available for preorder now, and is due for release in the middle of December (which is a few days after the movie will be available).
Read more »How would you like to see the wasteland for real? Maybe not go there, but at least see it? The draw of the Fallout setting is immense, and it just got that little bit greater.
Read more »It’s a little sad when you know you’re at the furthest possible point from another EB Expo. Sure, October itself is almost a celebration of gaming in Australia, but being in the midst of the season means being closer to the end.
Read more »The supposedly 4D holographic experience that’ll transport the public into an adventure that’d be worthy of Commander Shepard while they face off against otherworldly foes? Let’s not dismiss that claim just yet, cause we the many Mass Effect fans, are getting a theme-park attraction. With Excitement: Today we’re all a little bit Conrad Verner.
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